Animal Farm by George Orwell is a classic for a reason. Published in 1945, this satirical allegory is a powerful critique not only of politics but especially of human nature. With the current state of events in the world today, quotes by George Orwell from this valuable political literature are more relevant than ever.
Who is George Orwell?

But first, who is George Orwell?
Eric Arthur Blair was his real name. He was an English writer born in India on June 25, 1903. Orwell is well known for his brilliant examination of themes like oppression, dictatorship and human nature. Even today, quotes by George Orwell continue to be studied in schools because of its profundity.
Among Orwell’s famous books include “1984”, a dystopian novel that popularized the concept of “Big Brother,” where it represents the government constantly hovering over your head and controlling every aspect of your life.
George Orwell also wrote “The Road to Wigan Pier,” and “Down and Out in Paris and London.” Both are autobiographical accounts of his experiences with the working class in Lancashire and the homeless in Paris respectively. Then we have Animal Farm, a satirical allegory of the events prior to the 1917 Russian Revolution.
What is the Animal Farm About?
Animal Farm tells the story of a group of oppressed farm animals who rebelled against their human owner. The revolution was a success. Animal Farm was established on the basis of the Seven Commandments. Freedom and equality at last.
Unfortunately, like humans, the animals who rebelled against the oppressors were blinded and corrupted by power. What was initially a free society evolved into what they fought against – a dictatorship under the leadership of the pig, named Napoleon.
Characters and events in this book represent real life historical counterparts. Napoleon, for instance, is Joseph Stalin. And what happened in Animal Farm represents key events from the Russian Revolution.
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Animal Farm Quotes by George Orwell
More than provoking thought in its readers, Animal Farm continues to be relevant today because it serves as a warning to the citizenry that yes, even our leaders who touted the ideals of freedom can betray them for power.
Here are some of the best quotes by George Orwell from his novel, the Animal Farm:
1. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

2. “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
3. “Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals. He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself.”
4. “Four legs good, two legs better! All Animals Are Equal. But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others.”
5. “The only good human being is a dead one.”

6. “Several of them would have protested if they could have found the right arguments.”
7. “This work was strictly voluntary, but any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half.”
8. “No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?”
9. “Man serves the interests of no creature except himself.”
10. “Let’s face it: our lives are miserable, laborious, and short.”

11. “Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than just ribbons?”
12. “The distinguishing mark of man is the hand, the instrument with which he does all his mischief.”
13. “Windmill or no windmill, he said, life would go on as it had always gone on–that is, badly.”
14. “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

15. “Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever.”
16. “There, comrades, is the answer to all our problems. It is summed up in a single word– Man”

17. “Weak or strong, clever or simple, we are all brothers.”
18. “And remember also that in fighting against man we must not come to resemble him. Even when you have conquered him, do not adopt his vices.”
19. “These people don’t see that if you encourage totalitarian methods, the time may come when they will be used against you instead of for you.”

20. “Such were her thoughts, though she lacked the words to express them.”
21. “Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer—except, of course, for the pigs and the dogs.”
Animal Farm’s 7 Commandments
The Seven Commandments:
- Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
- Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
- No animal shall wear clothes.
- No animal shall sleep in a bed.
- No animal shall drink alcohol.
- No animal shall kill any other animal.
- All animals are equal.
What are your favorite quotes by George Orwell?
These quotes by George Orwell from the Animal Farm capture the main idea of the book about politics and society as a whole. And it perfectly displays how Orwell masterfully uses language to get his message across readers and even through time.
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